Language Teaching Program

(previously called: Heritage Language Teaching Program)

This program provides financial assistance to SAIL member schools and multilingual organizations to help offset the costs of operating community-based heritage language schools.  Language schools are expected to provide 70 hours of instruction to students over the course of a regular school year (typically from September to May/June).  Classes must be held in a public facility, i.e. - school operated by a board of education, a church, library, etc.  No funding will be provided for schools who teach in private homes.


Please review our guidelines & eligibility criteria for receiving the Heritage Language Teaching grant

In order to receive funding from SAIL, each school must be become a member of SAIL by submitting the following:

SAIL Organizational Membership Application 2024/25
Submit $50.00 (cash or cheque) for the membership fee

Once the school's membership is accepted by SAIL's Promotion and Membership Committee, the school will be eligible for SAIL's funding program.

Language Teaching Program (LTP.) Application for Funding {2023 - 24} (only approved full-members are eligible).
Attendance Sheet - 2023/24
Student and Teacher List

School Calender

Follow-up Report - 2023-24

Any groups who are interested in starting a language school, or would like more information please contact the SAIL office.






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Language Schools

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